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Best Age To Perform Umrah

Umrah is the Non-obligatory pilgrimage having a great virtue. Muslims from all across the world always desire to perform Umrah and Hajj because the utmost wish to see the holy Kabah and feeling the cool breeze of the Makkah city is something that can be said an intrinsic dream of a Muslim that moves with him all along his life.

Only a high spirit to perform Umrah is not enough for the completion of it but also a Muslim who is going to perform Umrah must be aware of how to perform it. Performing it wrong or not delivering the rituals in a proper manner will despite bringing virtue will may be a source of the Non-acceptance by the Almighty. To avoid such issues, it is eminent to perform Umrah accurately.

Many of us think about the appropriate age to perform Umrah. Some of us are sided towards the old age because it is the age of pondering and wisdom and a person gets mature enough to reflect back on his past wrongdoings. While some of us consider the young age to be the most appropriate for the holy ritual as it is the age full of zealous and encouragement.

Also, youth is the time that comes only once in his life in which a person’s physical as well as its psychological condition accompanied him to carried our any task especially when the goal of a person is to perform Umrah because it is an Ibadah that requires a lot of physical effort and long lasting stamina.

But as far as my opinion is concerned, I think the middle age is perfect for performing Umrah. I do have reasons to support my thoughts;
Healthy is wealthy:

The very first and I think the most eminent one is the health of a person that matters the most in such rituals. Umrah is a massive gathering having millions of people around you. You obviously have to move a lot here and there to make your space among such a huge crowd. If you are not healthy and cannot maintain your physical condition there, then you will not be able to deliver your rituals in a way they should be delivered. But if you belong to the middle age, then you will be aware enough of the medical condition of yours.
Hot is a not:

The weather of the Arab land is highly hot and the sun always remains at the top of your head. Sunstrokes or unconsciousness are two of the main health problems that pilgrims have to face while performing Umrah. People pertaining to too old or too young age are not able to co-operate with the weather. Sometimes get fatigued and become unable to proceed with the Umrah rituals in a proper manner. Middle-aged people are not too old so their physical condition is good enough to catch up with the climate.
The better understanding of religion:

It is the age when people are well aware of what to do and what to not. They become old enough to ponder their good and wrongdoings but also feel a bit relaxed. Because they know that they have time to make it right what was done wrong. They also have more knowledge about Islam and Islamic aspects than the young people can pay more attention.

Usually, the issue that comes with young people is that they did not have experienced. Much about life in their lives so they do not have an idea how to make the wrong right. Moreover, they have a bit lacking knowledge about religion and cannot pay attention. With that much dedication that a middle-aged person is able to pay.

However, we must say that all of the ages are good to perform the holy ritual. You will only be able to place your foot on the holy land. When you will be honored to be a guest of the Almighty at His SWT place.


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